Next problem:
Realizing now that it does Home Alone counting and goes A-B-D.
Wonder what question got cut out.
kinda checks out that deapite the dentists office having infinite patients they still only gonna hire 3 people total
no they shouldnt
Why not?
what are you studying ash, whats the name of that stufy
dentistry. Ash is gonna become a hyginest one day
Thats why D is actually yes, bc that way theres a big job market for Ash
It’s for my Operations Management course.
It’s basic supply line theory.
It’s a basic like in almost every economy/logistic class.
That’s correct name in english…
i think its 2 patients? im in alg2 class so i thought about it real quick but:
- cleaning always takes 20 minutes. as cleaning gets done, check in gets done. meaning one in cleaning / dentist inspection. after 15 minutes check in gets another, but dentist loses theirs. therefor only 2 pateints
they have to pay their employees 100$ despite only getting 80$ per patient
er wait a second sorry i was wrong let me look
But they are paid houtly not per patient.
The capacity is 3 patients/hour.
Check-In, Cleaning, and Dentist Inspection are each handled by a different person, so the throughput is just whoever has the lowest capacity on their individual section.
Check-In handles 12 patients/hour.
Cleaning handles 3 patients/hour.
Dentist Inspection handles 4 patients/hour.
The one that takes the most time is Cleaning, so that’s the bottleneck; therefore, the capacity for that section is the capacity of the entire process.
they shouldnt make the change since dentist inspection cant hold both of the patients for hygenists. it would be redundent