8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

I know now.
Still. Feels evil.
Solved it.

Still better than using 0 as a digit in a sudoku puzzle.

THAT was evil. This is just reading comprehension.

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Fair enough.

this is the crichard post of the year

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This is the same group who apparently drink poison in misc games, as though it were a cup of coffee or tea.

Do you guys renemeber locations from your dreams? Iā€™ve found out that I have decent memory of a few places from dreams that I donā€™t remember

  • Vacation hotel that looks like something out of a low budget mexican comedy show.

  • One way road that has houses around it and is the same color as the sidewalk, start of the street is cobbly.

  • Semi-rural street of red dirt with a little curvature and a small patch of land that only has grass, and another with a cement wall around it, a few trees around, a specific prop I remember from it is a car.

  • Very curvy and loopy road with greenery around, not much memory of this one.

  • Round cul de sac whose only important thing is a truck from a supermarket chain I was riding on, I renemeber this dream had violence with glass somehow.

  • The huge supermarket where you first had the parking lot, then elevation with stairs to reach a colorless gloomy building with a big entrance, it is the supermarket chain from the truck in the location above.

  • A more ā€œless-populated american neighborhoodā€ feeling place with a few older houses, very close to the huge supermarket from location above.

  • The small supermarket that occupied a place I know in real life, but this one is slightly different and I remember being behind the counter, the street for it is on a slope.

  • Night place full of high grass and plants that made it very hard to walk, the place I remember had a chain fenced area with a sewer hatch and was accessible by going off-road from somewhere.

  • Another place that mimics one in real life, a series of streets that connect like a grid and others more curvated and free form, no buildings in sight, bewteen the roads there were a few huge natural craters, at the end of the road was the house below.

  • An old metal-looking house near a small wall of elevation, big and with a yard that has no grass, only dirt, I remember it being a dream where I was stealing from it at night, but for some reason I ended up stealing and dragging their matress away.

  • Giant overcrowded beach place that was closed off by a big long wall with an entrance, on it a modern fancy beach house made of dark wood on a less crowded part of it.

  • Dangerous junction of streets of which I was lost in the sidewalk in a dream at midnight, in which I was desperately reading the led signs of busses to try to come back home, might have talked about this one here I think.

Oh wow I was expecting to list like 5 but the memories just kept coming


classroom, another clasroom, the sky, someoneā€™s bedroom (usually mostly red, somteimes mainly blue or mainly yellow.)


Yes I could believe it. Id like to think Im open minded and this could explain a lot

Would you belive, we are already in heaven?

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if iā€™m in hell then satan is my homie and iā€™m not leaving


Nope, i dont think theres torture in heaven. Id need an explanation for why its there in heaven



If Iā€™m in hell and I meet her:

Iā€™m not leaving either


You wouldnā€™t be brave enough to ask her out anywayā€¦


I have a 100% success rate on asking out girls IRL on a first date!!! :smirk:

My sample size is 2 out of 2 but thatā€™s another story


Iā€™m very sad to see this. Beef is my favorite meat. But itā€™s ludicrously expensive here. So no beef for me :(

And I guess nothing happened after the first dateā€¦



*also this statistic just proves that you wouldnā€™t be brave enough to ask her out. :stuck_out_tongue: