8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

Oh live a little why don’t you



Idk why sasha lives rent free in my head. I dont even like, love amphibia. Like amphibia is good but its nowhere near my favorite cartoon nor animated thing. But sasha just be there



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What is the difference between the Question Arcs and the Answer Arcs, and do I need to get both?

if we don’t obey the laws of reality nobody will be living a little.

The calendar is made up. We could make a new day call Sashaday and it would be just as real and valid. Two narcissistic emperors added new months and named it after themselves. The only thing you risk losing is your chains.


well call me when you all lose track of the concept of time because you bloated the good and fair calender with names of fictional characters. i’ll be mass stockpiling calendars for the year 2057.

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Id love august and july a lot more if it was called “sasha” and “marcy”

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And if august and july were moved to be the 11th and 12th months so shit like october makes sense

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The temporal ordering of events is relativistic. There’s no universal simultaneity. Expand your mind.

  1. julius was never an emperor, (he died as a general dictator, but was assasinated before he could have been crowned…)
  2. they haven’t named those monts themselves, they were renamed after their deaths. (from quentilis, and Sextilis)

Ceasar put the first two month in the calender (that’s why the leap day is at the end of february, and not somewhere else), not the 7th and the 8th (unlike the popular believe)…

walks like a duck and talks like a duck re: og Julius being an emperor


there is a difference between a dictator and an emperor.

Or would you call Hitler an emperor as well?

I finished my work only to get more work
we love it


Well actually Hitler was chancellor not a dictator.


The classic

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Also yes Hitler did become a dictator, but a long line of emperors took the regnal name Caesar for a reason. All of this is orthogonal to the point I made so whatever

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question first


My other point still stands.

Augustus never added any new months to the calendar.
(and apparently I was wrong before as well.) Ceasar added only two temporary months to align their calender with the tropical year. (and these two months never happened since.)

(The january and febrruary were earlier addition before Ceasar’s time, that’s why the numbering is wrong, not because of Ceasar)

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