Beyond just the general way that superhero media tends to be liberal to a fault at best, and fascistic more often than it should be, BNHA seems to lionize individualism over collectivism, had a suspicious number of characters that share birthdays with far right figures (including Hitler), and All Might’s Aryan/American aesthetic is somewhat of a red flag in that regard.
That…kinda feels like a stretch to me, if only because I think that if BNH wanted to lionize those people, it would be more overt with that than character birthdays.
Dog whistling is pretty common. I didn’t watch s2 of Tower of God because a line was changed to say there 1,488 of people in the tower or something from some other number. That’s an intentional dog whistle. Having multiple characters share birthdays and names with far right or outright fascist figures that aren’t all villains could be a coincidence, but when taken as a whole with all of the different signs, it’s extremely unlikely to be anything other than intentional.
Edit: I’m not saying birthdays are necessarily dog whistles either, but just saying that subtly isn’t necessarily evidence of unintentionality.
I should clarify that this isn’t me attempting to downplay your argument; I just think that it’s the byproduct of participating in and consuming culture that has roots in fascism rather than its author actively creating a fascist work.
mha is definitely dog whistly as fuck lol
I’ve spent seven hours programming today ask me anything
how does it feel to have barely missed post 6969?
It feels like a headache
How do I code a Linked List in Java?
give me five hours and I’ll tell you
Anyway, now that I did the code for the non live data, I’m going to try to play around the next time I have time with figuring out python and how to do live data transfer. Right now we are going from Arduino sends command signal to excel → excel sends data to Arduino and I want to go AI model gets information from EMOTIV headset → processes it as fast as possible → sends output to Arduino and I need to figure out how that is possible. I might have to learn python
It’s a type included in the standard library I believe. You shouldn’t reimplement it yourself unless you have to.
Forgot about that being a thing.
I was thinking more “create a variable for an object of your own class within the constructor”.
I should code in Java more.
Haven’t done so in a year.
that’s actually crazy holy shit
I had to search up what 1488 was
Wow I could’ve missed a ton of dogwhistles
I have an idea.
frightening post
It’s embarassing, but I couldn’t solve phase 2 on my own.
(I haven’t realized for multiple hours by myself, that the wrong thermo in box 7-8 can have the same numbers, and I couldn’t statisfy all clues in box 7… I thought for a long time I made a mistake somewhere, but all of my logic so far was obvious, after I saw that thermo having the same numbers, everything else felt nicely in place…)
You know, a lot of members on this forum are obsessed with the numbers “69” and “1984” - is this forum full of fascist dogwhistling cultists?