8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

I’ll fix it by getting rid of some of the array and processing some of it

It’s not that r9c3 has to be 4, but r9c4 can’t be anything else but a 6. (Col 3 has 2, so if rule 2 is happening, neither r8c2 and r9c4 can’t be an 8, and these two can’t be both 9 either.)

Yes, my mistake.

Apperently, (after a doible-check) I remembered wrong this step, it’s 59, and 579 in the row 6 triangles. (But the conclusion is the same, since 5 can be only in one of those triangles)

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Neeeeeeeeeeeeerds (affectionately)


goodnight forstess of comolex nath today it baceme cold i love cold so much it us so much better than those rhot days my eyes are half open it’s so sleepy and nefke rhis is heavey i love dold co somuch


For context Chomps is brazilian


do you all know any decent multiplayer games

Depends what do you prefer, fps, rts, tbs? or something else?

“multiplayer games”

in that case, try chess.

(in a sence, that counts as a multiplayer game as well… and it has to be decent, since it is still around after centuries…)

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…do you have any other ideas.

yes, but unless you narrow down the category, the list would be just too long… (unless you want fps, I don’t know decent fps multiplayer games)

let’s go with rts

Starcratf, Age of empire (I still think 2 is the best), and I think Warcaft’s rts game was decent for a while (but that was long time ago, I don’t know if anyone is playing that anymore.)

and if you really want a headache: grepolis… (i think that’s an rts too…) It’s still active so it most be decent.

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tragedy has struck, my tummy hurts


don’t trust dining court pork

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Vegetarians stay winning (ignore me nearly collapsing in class from a stomachache a couple weeks ago).


ash are u vegetarian?



Youbie if you’d be a vegetable what vegetable would you be

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