Yeah; I’m Hindu.
…Once per game, you may use the [BONGCLOUD]Playername[/BONGCLOUD] command…
Are indians usually vegetarian?
omega strikers
The only real big thing is, “Don’t eat beef because the cow is sacred,” but my brother eats beef, so it’s not terribly binding.
Granted, both my brother and I are Indian-American, so we’re definitely less stringent about abiding by the exact details of Hinduism.
imagine: giant sledgehammer
The digit in the Nth cell along a teal line (starting from the diamond) indicates the position along the line where the digit N appears. e.g. a 4 in the diamond puts a 1 in the fourth position.
@O.kazo, can you help me with this one?
I don’t understand it. Doesn’t this mean that whatever is in the diamond will put a [1] in the Nth position?
It’s the index rule, basically.
The first number is a 1, or the 1 is the Nth digit, (where the N is the number in the first place.)
It means exactly that. That’s why index lines are even more limited, than any other lines in sudoku. (It never allows repeats, and the highest number on the line is equal with the length of the index line. Literally no other lines rules are this strict.)
If you have the same number in a different position, that would mean you would need two different numbers in that cell, they are indexing.
If you put a higher number on the line, that would index for a non-existing part of the line. (Which is commonly accepted, that it can’t happen in logic puzzles.)
You can see the index line as a row of increasing integer numbers, (starting with 1) where you can switch two numbers only at a time and onlx with each other, and those number already switched can’t be exchanged anymore, with any other number.
123456 or 123(6)5(4) are valid index line numbers, but 123564 isn’t.
yoooo!!! vegetarians rise up
i wish i was her
Ngl I’m close to converting
Health benefits go crazy
Idk if I like beans enough to up w the gains tho
Could always try it and then if u dont stick with it then u dont stick with it, its w/e
I have been kiiinda trying it
But like only 2 dining courts here have vegetarian options
And like if I’m cool with eating whatever those are on a given day I do
But sometimes I am like ehhhh I don’t wanna go for that
It’d be a lot easier if I could cook for myself