A literal kitty drew this
I’ve improved it even further. We condense them both into one single singularity and we make it so they are dating everyone at the same time until observed, in which case they collapse down to dating a random person in the pool.
LOL sorry i am dying of laughter rn
Unfortunately, this isn’t very stable. It will cause a big bang, which will cause woman and men to shoot out (some man wearing hats) and causing space and time to expand. At the end of the cooling period we get your mom
This is how babies are born
are the cross outs divorce and then remarries?
Actually it’s dating
I Remember Making This One
why dating is hard for guys
women → women
anyoen else hate vegetarian finance majors who like films and have chronic gastrointestinal disorders
Marshal pulling this out right after they waitlisted me for the dual-degree program again should be considered bullying.
Mods, nuke her from orbit.
next time dont go university competitive enough to waitlist people for dual degree programs, simple as
Out of curiosity, did you see my profile when I looked at your Linkedin back in December?
Would be the funniest way to dox myself (you can find my college extremely easily if you know what to look for).
…do you look at everyone’s linkedin
no i dont have linkedin premium so it doesnt let me know who viewed it lol
It was to win an argument against Atlas.
Justified use of force.