and how the fuck did we invent so many things when most of the people I’ve met here are dumb as bricks??
Tempted to just drive up to a town of 5,500 people and see what it’s like to live there.
Daeron as the person with the most fol oriented view points, being able to speak easily for the majority of people on this site, who would the site most want to feminize on fol?
Asking for a friend
What do you mean by feminize? Also I think it’s very generous to call FoLers ‘people’
I’m unsure on what it means nyself
The most likely next victim is… uh… [thinks]
ChatGPT over here. “Let me think…”
I dont actually know if it does thatI just picked that up from Tumblr I’ve realsied it might actually be another model
Fake chatgpt user ^
I cannot think of every user of FoL:tm: right now, but Silviu is a trans woman who will discover this in her 40s.
This is oddly specific and no I will not elaborate.
Most want to FEMINIZE???
I will slap your arm with a rubber band
You are literally incapable of doing anything I’d register as mean to me
If Atlas looked at me wrong I’d cry
This is literally untrue I can disagree with Atlas all the time. But it expresses some level of truth
Oh my god do you mean that?
Im … Legit gonna tear up i think
I won’t im in public. But that was so wholesome and unexpected. It felt so heartfelt. This made me feel so calm oh my god. Thnak you so much May May
I used to be scared of Atlas too when I joined FoL. I was terrified that she would scold me for stuff and chew my head out. Once I got to know her more I started being less scared. Shes just very awkward / clumsy / dorky. Her “language” is a bit different. I think I’m fluent in Atlas language now :P
I think I’m in fluent in every FoLer’s language!! I’d like to think I understand everyone here :P