FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

you mad for it?

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absolutely down to vote manny owo

VOTE: Manny

what’s his stick read owo

I would be voting tutuu if I wasn’t locked on Windward :pensive:

Because it’s a funny elim

Oh wow I’m a


Stick (6): crazynuto, Ephemera, tris, Millium, ash4fun, Sadbi

How can I help u, @crazynuto , @Ephemera , @tris , @Millium , @ash4fun , @Sadbi

i s2g

VOTE: stick

this post does not have a single real emotion in it

It’s not even your read
what do you plead

I’m bored and moving votes based off game state

i agreed with most of these at the time

I also had this view of the game at the time, except for the Gocj thing, and I kinda think Gocj is town now.

Though I will say, boob1 was throwing around ideas/worlds at 100 miles a minute so ig there is stuff i disagree with like Achro being lock wolf or whatever


stick needs to post in this topic exactly one more time

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whose read was it then?


Wow thats what I said

I needed an ISO

but it really does matter

wanting to vomit isn’t a real emotion



super work detective


haha she did the thing!