FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

i was figuring u would take it as a moment to either re-assess your read on bystander or elaborate on it further

dont understand how youre parsing that post as an ~attack on how u make reads

that doesnt read villagery to me

someone explan achro wagon?

I love the pre-eod insanity

VOTE: Ephemera

Bad vote


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elaborate for me?

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and if he flips v?

it will not help a lot

you have like zero case on him that i’ve seen so this is just shrugyeeting a great player

April showers overhaul

im like pretty sure he’s v

cuz you’re saying my read is bad

it’s not. you have a process for reads and i have another

im just here to track CFDs for when something inevitable goes to shit

can u show me where u found these?


I wasn’t there for that

Everyone self vote now

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it’s fine though

i’m just gonna smh from over here if y’all do

real vote: VOTE: sadbi