FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

wait why is baud wolfy


Can’t wait for anni24

Hopefully I’ll finally 1000 post

has there been a case on achro??? i’ve def seen at least one for stick (hi gira)

this is demonstrably untrue!! i expressed suspicion on insom after i read through the brakuren/bys thing and said that i am side eyeing anyone who tried to sell that interaction as a difference check and noted that insom and baud had done this, then i voted insom and opened his iso

VOTE: Frostwolf103

I might as well just vote an obvious wolf because seeing that made me less sure on Manny being wolf, especially cuz Manny loves pointing fingers at me and having only like 2 susses as mafia just seems villagery lol

tbh I’m mostly following votes because I’m not sure at this point

he just feels against the grain in a not towny way like hes defending wolfy slots and pushing towny ones in general

whats the reason for this

Correct. You’re the only wolf. Good luck. You’ll need it.

i wasan’t here

they didn’t seem that slanky to me but that’s fair

I feel tituu is more likely for ~same reason

Yeah. My damage per shot is way too low for me to contribute in killing anyone.
Hence why I am assuming that I am either just weak, or everyone else is strong.

good morning chat

cookie thing
if you post some 1000 post marks you might get a cookie


this was ghanna be my flashwagon proposition

curse you cape90

Jinrou is open wolfing.

you get a cookie if you’re the X000th poster or whatever

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ok i will update my reads