FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

if achro is a villager the wolves are just hoping we fuck up and misyeet him day 1 and make us take the fall for it


I gtg again
I guess I’ll keep my vote where it is
Also also remember mine is a double vote so even if you tie achro and tutuu for example, achro will have that extra vote on him

not 6+
exactly 6

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crazynuts is the wolf wagon and it won’t gain traction

VOTE: Achro

You know what fine okay

ill give em a lookover at night

eh im kinda mixed on it


VOTE: crazynuto

Not six plus
Exactly 6

VOTE: crazy

idk who jarek is lol

VOTE: tutu

achro wagon is all fun and games to me until it becomes real and then i flip my shit gg

ash4fun is legit openwolfing or some shit

saying they are w/w with achro like wtf

they claimed something that loosely sounded realistic

im not fighting the wagon but i kinda feel like tutuu is the hit from thread vibes

does anyone have an explanation for voting achro other then he’s not tryharding/omgus

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