FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

it sounds like ur backpaddling ngl but I can’t really tell. You should have a good explanation though for this personally

Should shoot Derps either way.


i can’t threadcamp forever
making a last archive and leaving for a bit

more recently they usually had some semblance of a reason

this one was just for funny because mash tho

VOTE: Magnus


What’s scary about this is that if Marl/Achro are t/t, then Achro is the one misreading me and Marl is reading me correctly and that scares me. Usually it’s the other way around.

Doing it for reaction test would be fucking stupid I don’t care.


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can someone i.e the one person i know might i.e exactly @magnus take up the mantle for a few hours

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Is Porscha town or wolf?

Leafia 100% wolfing with this lmao

derps is like that

If you trust Wazza then yes
But I was making a joke cause Derps always seems to want to vig me when I’m universally townread

I cant even find their post cuz its hard to search across multiple specific threads

@Achromatic what reasons are there for me

anyway my avail is spotty thru first ITA sesh

I noticed we’re crowd-sourcing the shotlist, that’s clever I like it.

he is mine tbh

Why is he even allowed to play at this rate?

Updated shot list


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i think i’m really gonna need a good reason not to shoot him at this point