FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Didn’t he instantly shoot Kiiruma, exposing the W/W theater?

goodbye owo

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craving noodles

are u proud of me, im trying hard to towntell

Go back on retired land bruh you’re WASHED

VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

ik this won’t do anything but!


Not my love triss whomst i hwd seen literally 0 posts from

I told him to

@katze @dyachei who do u want shot pkls

Listen :sob: :sob:

yeah it was saint and drunk (undertaker)

i was never ccd and was taken for granted

except leafia who always wanted to vote me out

during the event i asked if thats normal for leafia and was assured thats just how she plays

hence i kinda assumed she was town here earlier

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i played with bionic before they just play Like This

always has been

brad said he wasnt in a guild

alright nevermind.

i still find him wolfy even if he was told to do it. it doesn’t really change much since he himself didn’t try to get involved into reading you or jake at all.

and its not like hes “sheeping a townread” he doesn’t express any reads on sabi or ANYONE

Are … are you tho? Lmao

VOTE: Marluxion FAM4 if Marluxion is not killed


we should shoot people who have already taken damage


@FAMHost /ita cape90