FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

…i need to post a readlist

wind (theres an alignment cop on her which i’m still iffy about)
wazza (not in their scummeta)
jin (i think leafia may have spewed them town)
jail (mech and decent tr on him d1)
silverkeith (same thing with jane)
jane (liked their posting)
…maybe jarek? id expect more posting if scum
may (kinda-ish-maybe)
memekingpizza (i thought they read as new townie compared to anything else)
artemis (i… guess.)
everyone else
i have no idea what to think of kanave
magnus (myeh. just. kinda off. dont let endgame, i think)
neil (it had a really weird string of posts demanding artemis stake their life on somebody else being scum if she wanted to scumread them)
marl (he’s getting a cop on him, apparently.)

jake (outted)

if i missed somebody its probably because i forgot they existed

and more cha
at that end
I can’t stand her
Neil the Eel
Slipped on a banana peel
Not the only one
Soul read on they
needs more tools


ngl knowing IH i feel like i hsould be ablke to determine his alignment but i cant sorry. gth id say town of him tho esp based oin the stick read but idk ask @katze to read that slot

without a doubt? ofc not

but it def buys him time imo

Did it have “the host has given you the following advice” vibes?

Kiiruma made a comment along those lines before he died.

ah, fine, i’ll be the 6th on marl. owo

VOTE: marluxion

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Super Likes Announcement

Previously Announced

Super Likes Post Recipient
1 #1210 crazynuto
1 #870 Sadbi
1 #1897 Sadbi
1 #2242 Hippopablompoyeetus
1 #2839 SirDerpsAlot
1 #2828 Sadbi


Super Likes Post Recipient
1 #3628 ElizaThePsycho
1 #4884 Sadbi
1 #833 dyachei
1 6604 Sadbi

I haven’t checked cats and soup since sod. Oh no it’s been six hours. My poor cats

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Maybe Ash?
But that might be a bit rash

It did have those vibes but I had mech reason to target Zug anyway so I did it

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My post comes from a person who never played with em so not sure

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they did have questionable posts tho

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Nobody ever lets me endgame. I’ll be ITA’d and forgotten long before then.


Seems like wolves want @Sadbi dead
what should we do instead

MKP is not new anymore. But i do agree they are probably town


have zero read


have zero read