FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

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Wolfy post

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VOTE: marluxion

…i was the first vote i just didnt wanna get pinged time and time again

:gun: (nya)

I feel like a king already.

VOTE: Marluxion

I think i veto magnu based on this post:

Read the last paragraph and look at flipped wolves today.

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Catty post

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anyway if nobody gives me a bad reason to not shoot beancat im gonna shoot beancat

You fail to realise that I was smoking Costco

silviu died and they defended kiiruma?

me slowly coming to the realization that if i get greenpeeked it’s very likely i’m going to get dragged through the endgame

wait… a BAD reason? I can think of many bad reasons to not shoot her

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FAM4 if Marluxion is never killed


if nobody gives me a good reason to not sheep Ashlyn I’m gonna sheep her and obviously blame her if it’s wrong

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Eh there was this whole marlu wolf reading them and a wagon happening d1

this is kind of a bad post (could be a villager posting the wrong thing at the wrong time) but man


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was silvius death ever claimed btw?

Don’t shoot beancat, for they are helping the town in a sort of ephemeral way.