FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

I’m heterosexual mostly

holy shit

Thread 3 if Marluxion died Day 1

Wait… this time seems wrong

if overwatch is so good, why isnt there an overwatch 2? checkmate, liberals.

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For link purposes, and also because it doesn’t really matter and Jake is always dying.


thread 4 if marluxion died due to jakethewolf wagon shenanigans

Can we pretend like airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

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On Zara;

Different from last game.

Got shot by a wolf that was mostly outted at the time.

Other than that mostly useless.

Went on about finding the wolf that tried to push him on shortlist during its, which I want to call performative but actually was just annoying.

I would not shoot there right now.

Thread 4… nodody asked for this,.nobody need this… my hati n ass couldnt handle thread TWO and you bring these news upon me… What a fucked up day


48 hour day gang lets go

i’m just gonna shoot artemis i think

Sorry guys I don’t really have many good shot suggestions atm

I need more time to sort people and I’d honestly just suggest holstering
I don’t feel great irl atm so might not stick around for long

Its thread 3 + 1

what if no

Did someone just target me with something?

Feeling cute might random shoot jake even though they’re apparently ITA immune

unless i hear a strong objection with good reasoning

That is a tearable idea. You should shoot me instead.