FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

I mean, I could shoot ‘em.
Would be extremely funny.

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they both have the same role

My grievnces on Sabi’s slot aside can I get a different shot

It would


well people could totally be wrong and I could totally be right

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VOTE: dyachei

The shot connects.



idk it feels like you’ve been around FOL before owo

plus zone is rather… infamous owo


It’s not the same from what zone said

this is perfectly in character for hosts imo

wow owo

@Lucid_Daydream Sabi is town. I will have time to explain why after ITAs.

Who gave you two shots

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(I almost never go to any Warhammer focused stores because I am as close to a hermit as I can be in these trying times (I only go out for work and grocery shopping))

hes got a revolver mate

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what if you’re just eepy this game and want to be a sleepy wolf

make that three

ive played one game here LOL

This is for day 3*