FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

idk what u mean but i dont have any kp idt

0 < 1

“In order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments”.

Not because you believe it.

u are not allowed to shield wolves


the claim sounds fake af tho

and got ccd by jane


you should normally use your role to heal villas that got some dmg on them, I think.

Anything else is silly and reckless and not worth the risk.

youre correct but i think arguing semantics

it’s not a cc it’s possible both shot porscha.

Dum living up to their name tbh

watch me

elaboration was demanded

we dont have a fucking town of salem role in this game

How would you know if Neil is town

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ehh its probs just a comparison. 0 is weaker than tuttuu’s role kp wise by a mile xD

But not because I don’t?

imma shoot u to death hoe [my shot might heal u instead]


Remember when u claimed masons in our wolf game, good times

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@dyachei where you at btw