FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

@Atlas Carbonated ISO (from terminal of lies) (also vote tags aren’t actually broken in the original posts, that’s just a safety thing)

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i still dont understand what the fuck this is tbh

town reads and scum reads in PoE formula.

It’s Frost being Frost

i dont understand the groups.
how are they grouped? is there a specific amount of [x] in one group?

VOTE: Frostwolf

I killed a wolf in ITA, so suck it up peaches

You havent really bother to read

IDC. I don’t see a green on me, and that’s enough of a reason to vote you.
(Heck, I might even consider shooting you in ITA3.)

i mean to be fair thats not actually particularly clearing. they were getting gunned down and you were the ~7th person to shoot at them.


I do care seeing you angry over nothing :blush:

Good. :+1:

The duality of FoLers

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Gotta go back to work.

When in doubt, Windward out.

That requires Wazza lied about this, Leafia voted Wind for the peek after all

Huh… In that case I need to check up on Wazza.
:carrot: :rabbit2:

Marluxion (6): Daeron, katze, Atlas, Zone_Q11, CarrotyReaper, May

Well you know what, have it at you

*after I’m done with work, which is about 1~2 hours before ITA3