FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3

gorta died and was a leader

Did Marluna claim something? Why are they town?


only bystander and sda havent shot yet i think

Yeah probably but

a) I don’t tend to have much self-confidence and I’m not really an aggressive/leader type
b) I think we win anyway

VOTE: marluna


If you’re so scared just go chill somewhere

If you don’t wanna lead then don’t try to boss people like Jane around and ignore his shots

If you don’t want accountability stop saying stuff

If you can’t handle villagers dying en masse for stupid reasons then don’t play mashes.

Or just do whatever you want and don’t listen to anyone.


anyone wanna shoot me

Direct hit! @Ash has died! Stand by for flip.



Ash W for sure

lets. see

It flips town btw psychic read

Yawn I hope Ash flips wolf but feels like we’re only shooting in the dark now

bye ash!!!

psychic mind powers from the future ash was town we lost

click here for flip


What are your all thoughts on Memekingpizza?

