FAM4: Thread 6 - Day 3

I killed brakuran if that’s the one ur refering to

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Oh they were in Mays POE


It’s my list, it’s not your list. Some people are in PoE because I don’t remember them well enough. Let me live

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i didnt shoot any wolves myself acc

It’s a bad list particularly for someone as connected to the thread as May.


do not.

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jinrou tunneled MUers all game and was wrong, 12/14 people flipped were FoLers in the wolfteam. no reason to go for MUers yet

only when it gets hard and only the ones that have heavy cred bus probably

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I accidentally copied a name from the “dead” section"

Why the fuck does FoL shorten my extended ellipsis into just three dots s m fucking h

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im 90% sure the homesite is NAI

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Their flip isn’t in graveyard either you or hosts are trolling or I’m blind

No one listens to me anyways so I’ll do what I like thanks

was shot during ita3

It’s fine I just couldn’t tell :skull: because somebody named themself “someone” I figured it was possibly somebody named themself “unvote”

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they just havent added it yet

@ElizaThePsycho We should focus our event item into single target, yes?

idk what this means

how does not seeing frost make you pick frost
am I reading this right

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