At this point I stopped feeling sorry for you. :ghosthug:
But on a serious note, I hope it didn’t impact your mood all too much.

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nah the kazali picked me to be sneaky, very good play i must say

sure are you here?

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I’ll check back later

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@Magnus can we whipser

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/whisper @Magnus

I looked away a moment ago.
Sure thing to both of you, but I think that was Chomps signalling they would leave the thread.


At least the lightbulb didnt pop while I was showering!

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I cut my finger and my blood was on the walls of the restroom and is currently on my phone

Great news is the manager was much nicer today before that too

Please take care.

You should run your hands under water and try to find a band-aid.

I have ten million bandaids from the workers

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I’m feeling quite tired so I’ll be resting my eyes for a bit.

I don’t think I’ll be able to rest so soon so people are free to try to contact me for when I come back.

I’ll get back to you in the early morning if I manage to sleep.

Mornin everyone. (Or good night for me)

Hope y’all are doing well

hello nuto!

are you going to sleep?

this sounds bad i want to ask beacuse i wanna whisper oeople

We can whisper! Would you like to?

/whisper @Chomps

If you’d make it that is.

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