A Certain Scientific Railgun Mafia - Game Over: Rainbow's End [Mafia Victory]

Aight I’ve decided there will be some slots I will mostly ignore for today
As in, I’ll interact with them and all that but I’m not going to prioritize reading them on D1
Gonna pick a small pool of players to focus my attention on first and branch out from there


Wind, I know how much you submit actions but can you please just tree tonight.
I know how counterintuitive it is. But honestly if you could it’d be great.

I have something to request, actually
Just don’t target me tonight and I don’t care whatever else you do for now

This goes for everyone btw

I’m not planning on targeting you tonight.
I want you to not do anything tonight.

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Sure, it’s a deal then

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Alright sweet, pleasure doing business with ya

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tree vig

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It would be very funny if I died by doing nothing lol

But I agreed to not target Wind so that doesn’t work

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You could have a role that says to target everyone you don’t want to die :joy_cat:


Yes, I am the omni-vig
I’m targeting literally nobody and killing everyone.
Get wrecked.


Solo win

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Vote Target Voted by Votes
EliThePsycho TheLukundo, Zone_Q11 2/9
TheLukundo EliThePsycho 1/9
Zone_Q11 Hippopablompoyeetus 1/9
Hippopablompoyeetus lol 1/9
JakeTheWolfie WindwardAway 1/9
Not Voting eevee, Atlas, Gorta, Kiiruma, Isolde, JakeTheWolfie, Whysper, Helz, BioHazard, ReveredHeroOfFoL

well i think we all know what Kii is

I’m surprised Kii isn’t paranoid of me after that last scum game where he townread me until I moved my vote to misyeet him

But whatever, I’ll let him do whatever he’s doing

what does tree mean ?

It’s a term we use on this forum to mean “not to take an action”
Could be a forgotten action or it could be intentionally skipped

Fail to submit an action/not play the game

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