A Certain Scientific Railgun Mafia - Game Over: Rainbow's End [Mafia Victory]

I kinda wanna vote Atlas.
Who wants to vote Atlas?

… well then

Nah I’ll just ignore him

My heart is f’ing racing

Kiiruma and Zone I need to find the wolf

… does iso have like
any awareness to the things going on around him

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Isolde just vote ATNo or claim Wolf already

It’s MYLO not LYLO

Do you know who you’re talking about?

Night has a point on Sleeping.
Might be best option here.

… what

Isolde, no. It’s now a Kiiruma/ATNoName thunderdome.
…and I haven’t re-evaluated Kiiruma yet.
–but I refuse to believe he is mafia!
F*** IT!

/vote ATNoName @Host_Account_1

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
ATNoName Kiiruma, Zone_Q11 2/5
Not Voting Atlas, Gorta, Isolde, ATNoName, BradLand, nightingale

The deadline is 2022-03-02T19:00:00Z.

Votes are locked.


Game Over: Rainbow’s End

[flavor taken from the Index light novels]


That was the name the being that seemed to be classified under the codename Dragon gave itself.

Facing Aiwass, Accelerator carefully observed the blonde being.

His thoughts did not lead him to an action he should take next.

Accelerator and the rest of Group had been acting on the basis of finding the identity of the top secret Dragon and using that information to negotiate on an even playing field with the higher ups of the city. However, they had been thinking of using the mere information. They had never thought Dragon itself would appear before them so easily.

It was possible Accelerator had believed somewhere in his heart that he would never find the identity of Dragon. That was why his thoughts ground to a halt when the being appeared before him so suddenly.

“You look surprised,” said the blonde being known as Aiwass without changing its expression.

Its golden hair seemed to be putting off a faint light.

“Is my appearance that baffling to you?”

Of course it was.

Why had the being that Academy City had been hiding at all costs appeared to him? Accelerator thought of a few possibilities and he chose the most logical one among them.

“…Do you work for Shiokishi? If you’re backup, you’re a little too late.”

“Do you really think that?”

Aiwass shook its head.

Despite having made a clear declaration of its intentions, Accelerator couldn’t grasp what the being was thinking.


Accelerator remained silent for a bit and then rejected the possibility he himself had spoken. It had seemed like Shiokishi had hated…no, feared Dragon. Even if that wasn’t it, it still hadn’t been the reaction one would have to one’s pawn.

But even so, why had Aiwass appeared before Accelerator at that time?

“I have recognized that you have a certain level of value and…I was curious,” said Aiwass.

The words were spoken with such a carefree sense that it seemed to deny everything Group, Shiokishi, and the others had done.

“I wanted you to meet me, so I appeared. Are you dissatisfied?”

Something wasn’t right.

But it didn’t seem the being was hiding anything.

It was like the being was saying that Accelerator had not been silently defeated along with Tsuchimikado and the others solely because the being had seen value and found interest in him.

(What do I do…?)

Accelerator slightly lowered his center of gravity.

Many beings had appeared threatening Accelerator’s life such as Kihara Amata of the Hound Dogs and Kakine Teitoku of School, but Aiwass was completely different. He didn’t even feel any ill will coming from the being.

Aiwass was an extremely important element to the higher ups of Academy City.

However, there was more than one way of using that fact. Defeating Aiwass would certainly bring major damage to the plan they were putting together, but there may have been a much more effective way of dealing with the situation.

It didn’t help that Accelerator didn’t know what kind of role Aiwass played.

He couldn’t come up with an effective way of using the being if he didn’t at least know that much.

Accelerator’s mental state was much like that of a chained up dog and Aiwass showed its first feeling towards him in a surprised looking face.

“This is a different result than I had predicted. I was sure the defeat of your companions would cause you to retaliate and be thrown to the ground before me within 3 seconds.”

“…Now that statement would be a perfect trigger,” responded Accelerator in a low voice.

Aiwass had indeed silently defeated Tsuchimikado Motoharu, Musujime Awaki, and Unabara Mitsuki.

However, that was not an impetus for Accelerator to take hostile action. As he had said many times, Accelerator saw Group as a nothing more than something to be used.

He would first try to drag out whatever information he could.

After that was when he would determine if he needed to take hostile action.

Having chosen what he would do, Accelerator looked back at Aiwass.

“What are you? Why are you hidden behind the codename Dragon?”

“Do I have to explain it from there?” the blonde being said in a tone that seemed to be saying it was surprised at how unintelligent Accelerator was. “My identity is nothing much. I am just a mere hboieEXISTENCEab, so-…”

Aiwass’s words blurred.

Accelerator frowned, but Aiwass itself seemed puzzled and brought its hand up to its throat to check on its voice.

“…Hmm. So I cannot even express that level of meaning in this world. There are not enough headers. This will make the explanation difficult. You do not mind if I do so in a rather roundabout way, do you?. It would be simple enough to express this directly, but then that wgbudDESTRUCTIONwsrui will occur.”

Aiwass did not seem to be joking.

The way its voice sounded was odd. When the being’s voice blurred like that, the source of the sound seemed to shift. That made it sound very odd. It was a bit like wearing stereo headphones with the right and left switched.

“Are you familiar with the term Fuse Kazakiri?”


Shiokishi had mentioned that name, but Accelerator had no idea to what it referred. However, when Aiwass saw his face, it sighed.

“It really is a pain to have to explain everything from the very beginning. Remember what I say and look into it on your own later. At any rate, that is a being that can be referred to as an artificial angel. Given her properties, that is not incorrect, but that does not actually reach what Fuse Kazakiri truly is. She is actually something like a production line used to form me, Aiwass.”

Accelerator had not understood most of what the being said, but the word angel stuck with him.

When Kihara Amata had injected Last Order with that virus, wings of light had appeared. Apparently, the true purpose of that had been part of a plan prepared for this Aiwass.

“Let us compare it to a crystal. And a familiar substance would be…water or salt. Yes, let us go with salt. Think of an AIM diffusion field as extremely concentrated salt water. However, that alone will not cause crystallization. To effectively proceed, it is better to add a foreign material to the salt water. That foreign material could be a single stick or it could be something like small dust. It could even be an nsrioANGELgau like Fuse Kazakiri. …Well, the crystallization is simple, but when you want it to be a particular shape and size, the qualities of the core must be carefully prepared.”

“…Are you saying you’re a being made based on this Fuse Kazakiri thing?”

“Technically, it is more accurate to say Fuse Kazakiri is a factory production line fine-tuned in order to create me. I will not deny that I was born following the pattern of Fuse Kazakiri. Although, born is not quite the right word. It would be more correct to say uyAPPEARidvif…damn, the language cannot keep up. Rather than ‘born’, let us say ‘appeared’. That is not technically correct, but I cannot express it any better than that.”

Aiwass moved its own index finger slowly down along its chest to its abdomen.

“Aleister seems to like roundabout methods, but I am not something that can be dealt with using clone technology.”

If that being was a mass of AIM diffusion fields, then it was not human.

Despite the discussion being so absurd, Accelerator did not laugh.

In fact, he would have found it incredibly odd if Aiwass were to claim to be human.

“What to do?” said Aiwass. “I appeared out of curiosity, but what do I do now? What do you want to do? Will you try to crush Aleister’s ambitions based on the information you receive from me?”

“…Are you serious?” Accelerator’s caution rose upon hearing those last words. “I don’t know what that board chairman is after, but you’re at the core of it. Crushing Aleister’s plan would be to return a being supported by artificially means such as yourself to nothingness.”

“True,” Aiwass nodded causing its blonde hair to sway. “What is your point?”


“Let us speak of history,” Aiwass said suddenly changing the topic. “The humans that live on the surface of this planet do quite a bit in the name of preserving their environment. They say that most of the plants and animals will go extinct if things do not change, so they diligently gather up empty cans and lower the amount of smoke they produce.”

“Well, some people are rather zealous about that kind of thing.”

“Are you humans taking these actions solely to get people to watch you?”

“What the hell is your point?”

“I am merely saying that history does not change in the slightest,” Aiwass responded smoothly. “This planet once had an ice age. The environment changed drastically and most plants and animals went extinct. …But did history itself come to an end? Whether the tiny beings clinging to the surface live or die, the flow of time continues on unchanged. Even if a worldwide nuclear war began right here and now and every life form on the surface of the earth were completely annihilated, it would have no effect on the thick pillar of history. In ten thousand years or in one hundred thousand years, something else would come forth in the place of the current life forms.”


“This is the same. I may not be a being that should be a part of this dimension’s history. It seems the man known as Aleister is persistent in his desire to use me, but it is no problem to me if his plan suffers a major setback. It may take ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years, but I will have another opportunity to asbuAPPEARoagbv…I mean, appear. Even that is of little value to me.”

Aiwass slowly spread its arms wide causing its long blonde hair to sway.

“Now then, what will you do? It could be amusing if you killed me here and gave quite a shock to Aleister. Of course, that is only if you possess the ability to do so.”

Accelerator couldn’t read the being.

Some kind of gear must have been missing because it felt like none of the usual offensive thought patterns appeared. That was what it felt like. It was not an issue of finding a basis. Accelerator did not think he would be able to find an opening if he just took a long time to calculate everything out. There was simply no point in fighting. The idea felt as foolish as running along the ground attempting to catch up to the sun sinking below the horizon.

As Accelerator made no movement, Aiwass spoke with its arms still spread wide.

“Oh? Is that really your choice? Let me tell you this first: Aleister may believe in his ability to a fault, but he is not a perfect human.”


“The plan he has put together has already begun to come apart at the seams in a few places.”

Despite describing a problem that its very existence depended on, Aiwass did not seem to especially care.

“With every irregular phenomenon Aleister himself brings about, he believes that he is recovering from it in a way that benefits his plan, but tiny cracks have started to spread bit by bit. At this rate, situations will develop from the plan he created that Aleister himself does not foresee. For instance…”

Accelerator had a very bad feeling about what was to come.

He had a feeling he was about to hear something he shouldn’t.

But Aiwass continued.

It continued as if toying with the minds of tiny and miserable people was its sole enjoyment in a boring world.

“For instance, Last Order, who is one of the cornerstones of the plan, will surely eventually ‘break down’ at the current rate. Although, she is just a clone, so that problem can be solved simply by creating another clone with the same functionality.”

Those words were enough.

Accelerator abandoned all cause for concern and determined to take action.

Accelerator lay on the bloody floor. He had lost a terrible amount of blood, but he oddly felt no pain. He couldn’t move his arms or legs properly. However, he felt no fear. It was possible he didn’t even have enough strength to spare for that.

(Is it…over…?)

He had bet his life on that strike. That final bullet had accurately pierced straight through the triangular prism-like object he had seen within Aiwass’s semi-transparent head. That had been followed by the sound of a shattering crystal. He didn’t really know what that had been, but he assumed it was Aiwass’s weak point.


“I guess that was so-so.”

This time…This time true despair struck Accelerator. At some point, Aiwass had appeared standing before him. He didn’t know when exactly the being had appeared. He didn’t know how it had recovered, if he had even damaged it, or what that triangular prism was. The battle had gone on that long, but he still didn’t have a single piece of solid information.

“If I were on the same level as Fuse Kazakiri, that would probably have taken me out. Even if it hadn’t exactly killed me, it would have been a few years before I could have come out again. Aleister’s plan would have needed major revisions and you may have been able to rescue Last Order in that time.”

Aiwass was speaking in a carefree manner as if it did not particularly care if it lived on or died.

“However, it seems Aleister was a little more careful than I had thought in building up my security. He may worry too much. At any rate, my defenses seem to have been made much more solid than I had thought.”

“…God damn it…”

Accelerator desperately tried to stand up.

However, he had lost too much blood. He couldn’t move his arms and legs properly. As he struggled, Aiwass continued.

“It may not be particularly fair to you since you fought with everything you had, but…”

Aiwass smiled thinly.

A shining angel’s halo appeared above its head.

The halo was a palely shining platinum with a white core hidden within.

The blonde monster that appeared before people based on its curiosity that was based on subjective value then spoke its final words.

“It seems I can transform.”

An explosive noise rang out.

Accelerator’s consciousness was mercilessly blown away.

The final hope to protect a certain girl had fallen.

ATNoName has been executed.


Welcome to A Certain Scientific Railgun Mafia, ATNoName! You are Mugino Shizuri.

Role: Town Regretful Vigilante
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 172 cm
Esper Power Level: 5

The fourth-ranked level 5 esper, you are the leader of ITEM (a group affiliated with the dark side of the city) and one of the most destructive espers in the city. Your esper power, Meltdowner, allows you to forcibly control electrons to generate lethal laser beams, which can easily disintegrate anything in your path.

While you are a more than capable fighter on your lonesome, you being partnered with another member of ITEM, Takitsubo Rikou, allows your ability to reach even further heights and would potentially even exceed the powers of the the third, second, and possibly even the first-ranked. Rikou’s esper ability, AIM Stalker, allow her to track down other esper’s naturally emitting AIM fields. This ability, coupled with the nearly-unlimited range of your Meltdowner, allows the both of you to track down your target and smite them with a single blast.

In a fit of rage, you’ve cut the body of your former teammate, Frenda, in half with Meltdowner, as punishment for leaking ITEM’s location and ability knowledge to SCHOOL. Now, it is time for Dark Matter and SCHOOL to get wiped off the face of the earth.

Meltdowner (active/night)
- Each Night, you may target another player and kill them. If you kill a mafia-aligned player, you will lose this ability.

Win Condition: Eliminate all threats.

The mafia team of Atlas, Whysper, Isolde, and Gorta have won!

The mafia wins! Congratulations!

Setup and post-game thoughts to follow.

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Idk why you all ignored Gorta.
Threw him in town and that’s that lol

I GTg to work now bye


This was a game that happend

Seth, you actually played well but that d2 stuff with zone was

kinda unnecessary