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children blow bubbles. it’s a well known activity

It’s such a vague phrase do you mean like blowing bubbles or doing the thing with the belly

what do you MEAN doing the thing with the belly

Isn’t there like a thing where a mother does something with the belly of their child give me a second

it’s not about that. i’ll tell you that much


the tossup was actually on blowing bubbles in art, and had an 83% conversion rate due to a kinda hard lastline

something something knowing gravitons and not breadth-first search or kolkata average physics/engineering major

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Wasn’t the voyeurism one also about art

Imagining “quizbowl if it was awesome”

no that was literature. and was tied for the lowest conversion rate in that packet with 25%

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Quizbowl if it wasnt awesome

I dunno about bubbles then

I do know about vouefuism though

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I love vouefuism


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I’m glad they’re giving our kittens an education

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did you not have a whimsical and joy filled childhood how do you not know about blowing bubbles

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whats blowing bubbles

Do you literally just mean using the soap things to blow bubbles???