About the Rules & Moderation category

I’m actually really quiet seeming not just in real life but in certain internet spaces where I feel like I have nothing to say but this isn’t one of them at all

I got possessed so my cookie posting time was limited

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oh. what a shame.

did you tell the ghost i said hi and give them my number

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Hold on lemme contact her (sleeping so she shows up in my dreams)

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thoughts on what i should doordash for dinner (i am out of meals this week due to irresponsible financial decisions)

note that no matter what you choose i won’t be doing this for another hour or two

I’m out of edible meals (I hav eplenty of swipes they just don’t serve them at the dining hall )

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i wasn’t feeling like eating a weekend meal so i decided to spend all my meals financially poorly instead

I’m receiving hate messages on tumblr?

I’m receiving HATER messages on tumblr, from a HATER?

is it the same person who critiqued your i have lots of fun at school poem

Something related to CANDLES, or something TRIVIAL like that

No actually it’s somebody else, funny you ask

well then idk who you could possibly be talking about :/

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Whoever it is probably some kind of massive nerd

Wow I feel so normal today despite having felt so weird yesterday. I think I hate Fridays

Other people hate Mondays but Monday is when it’s easiest to do all the htings I need to do for a day. On Friday I’m a hollowed-out shell of a person. And like it’s going to be over tomorrow sure but that doesn’t make it any easier

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Me at the legend of zelda blogging assignment? Not sure about this

it’s hard because there are 7 different links and the assignment actively demands i find more

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