About the Rules & Moderation category

I would but eating more also requires walking which being tired hinders. I’m too tired to get water from the fridge let alone food from the. Food

just try to push yourself to get it
it’ll get easier over time

Gonna finish this lab report cause I need it done by omorow

Not eating enough is so COLD I always forget how cold it is. This is buuulllshit this is nonsense bullshit who invented this

people who want you to eat

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God fucking damnit

doordash some food or something. i dunno. eat.

I had panera sometimes as a treat when I was a kid and I always remembered it tasting good but last time I had it it was inedible garbage

by the way did you know that spending your time on work without breaks lessens the quality and quantity of your work

did you know that eating helps with work

It doesnt need to be good it cna be dogshit. I’m walking right now

The hey put a barrierr over the door I need to get to because they hate me personall

one of my friend’s dads is very obsessed with panera. once on a trip we went to panera on the way there and on the way back “for the sake of variety” we ate at the other paneras in that city

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Oh you’ve reminded me one of my friend’s dads owned a panera and apparently the quality of their food went down according to him actually so maybe it’s not just child memory

the first paneras straight up gaslit me. i was complaining (perhaps a bit too loudly) about how they forgot my smoothie and then a few minutes later they said “you forgot your smoothie!” i fucking did not!

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gaslighting is permissible when it’s funny. like that.

They’re only selling mochi individually wrapped now

how do i call someone an asshole in spanish i forgot

whats gaslighting


I want it on the record that all of this food looks like garbage and I would walk out without getting anything but you insisted. So