About the Rules & Moderation category

There was a Blaseball player. Star Mexico City Wild Wings batter José Haley was traded to the Chicago Firefighters via Blessing, Champs in the Making (which traded for the best players off the season champions, the perpetual underdog Wild Wings had won a season only to get immediately owned), and then got incinerated only days later and replaced by a guy named fucking “Goobie Ballson”. For seasons afterward the Wild Wings had the joke that Ballson had killed Haley, ALLEGEDLY. This eventually spread to the rest of the league and was referenced many many times such that all you had to do was say the word ALLEGEDLY around Ballson and then everybody would envision him on a grassy knoll. Now any time anynody says ALLEGEDLY I think of it

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Joke enhanced by the fact that popular fan depiction of Goobie Ballson looked like this

May did you say you made a discord bot before


Would it be possible to have a bot that logs “meows” “nya” “purr” and periodically states how many times it was said in the gc

It’s possible but it might be irritating

I’d have to figure it out

I think the okd method which I used to host discord bot for free no longer works

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I do have a raspberry pi so not really a problem

one of the qbcord hosts had an innovative technique called just having an account for a bot that isn’t a bot account in violation of discord tos

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and periodically worrying that discord brought the hammer down but it just turning out the bot was down every time

The account isn’t the hard part it’s just having it up continuously

Which again I have a pi now so

nyaaaaaaaaaaa I should totally finish* Zugbot nya nya nya

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Zugbot stopped getting cat food and praise nya (I’m a negligent owner)


release zugbot into the government’s care (public domain)


You know they euthanise stray cats

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zugbot is half robot half cat he’ll be fine

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nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa normally I would release the code for things that are in a working state, but IDK if I should for Zugbot

because if I want to run a closed setup, it’s kind of bad for people to learn what roles are possible by looking at the source code (since not everyone can look at that and figure out what they can/can’t claim)

why are you trying to run an automated closed setup that isn’t vanilla!!