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or is complex variables =/= complex analysis

i have never seen anyone use a capital l for natural log. just use ln like everyone else

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Principal branch is the key word here - log/ln is also the natural logarithm. In this class, I’m told, log and ln and Log are all different (natural) logarithmic

Ummmm idk

and “Log” as “ln” just makes it easier to mix it up so idk why anyone would use that notation

ohhh. complex shit


complex stuff apparently

  • Log stands for complex logarithm in its principal branch . The principal branch has its imaginary part in the interval (−π,π]. (Basically it’s the inverse of the complex exponential function with its imaginary part in that interval.)

we’re doing complex stuff in advanced linalg but it’s basically just “here’s the linalg you know and love and there just happens to be complex numbers here.” next semester i’ll see what complex has in store

I have never (meaningfully) used complex numbers :pensive:

there was also some. minor complex number stuff in number theory but it was obviously pretty discrete. “how does this affect the natural numbers”

Apparently the course covers:

Taylor and Laurent series, analytic functions, harmonic functions, Riemann surfaces, residues, complex integration, conformal mapping, and Laplace transforms.

There used to be an actual graduate level complex analysis course but it got exploded badly

also there’s some very slight complex near the end of a 2 semester algebra sequence because it turns out complex numbers make for a good example in galois theory

Every time somebody talks about complex numbers I feel like there’s just like a gaping hole in my understanding. I know all the basic stuff I need to by this point in formal mathematical education but none beyond that. Well I feel significantly less behind now because I heard people talk about them enough that I picked up some stuff. But still not great

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the basics of complex numbers are not super hard to pick up

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nyaaaaaaaaa I can’t say I’ve talked to people about complex numbers much thbthbthtbthb

i periodically forget and relearn them every time they come up