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Little things is a dismissive way to put it but like, small deviations from expectations. They are a big deal to the person experiencing them but that doesn’t mean they’re Extremely Weird

this was the best player in all of college quizbowl last year btw. it wasn’t even close

photographic memory?

don’t think so? he’s just cracked

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Like they kept actively trying to convince me they were the strangest and most unusual people ever!!! My senses of normal are so difficult from theirs

nyaaaaaaaaaa I don’t think many people I’ve met do that

chemistry major moment??

Is a photographic memory even a distinct thing from having a good memory, like is there an objevt of “photographic memory” that’s measurably different in nature or did they make that up for detective novels

there is yes

the qualifying tournaments for one of the nationals has some sort of numeric value for every team with lots of math going into it, such that the top [whatever] teams qualify. he soloed the qualifying tournament just because he could. the team of literally just him had the highest value. the rest of his team had the second highest value. across the entire college quizbowl community

I’m describing this unusually. Just, like, when they deviate slightly from the norm they freak out about it. Which many people do. Abd they act in a way that expects me to also freak out about it (lightheartedly)

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i said what i said

you don’t have to be jealous you aren’t in the secret photographic memory club that meets at 33.137551, 81.826172 the second Tuesday of each month


quick delete the post and see if May remembers the numbers


memory competitions like quizbowl sound kinda insane to me
like, regardless of what memory tricks you’re using, it’s going to be kinda boring memorizing all that

I’ve been meaning to train my memory more, I can’t consistently remember two 6-digit measurements long enough to walk across the room to my laptop to record them. There’s like a 50/50 shot I forget one. I feel like I used to be better

see it’s less rote memorization and more binary association. like oh i hear this clue come up and know it’s related to these things

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But my attention is super bad these days. I say my memory is bad but my dad also has a really good memory (my mom calls it photographic but it’s not notably different from the way mine functions which is what put that doubt in my mind in the first place) and he’s always been mt reference point for a normal memory (my mom’s is really bad) so I might just be comparing myself to high standards

And my mom says her memory is really bad but she compares herself against my dad’s too. So who knows!

you can try chunking
when I memorized a lot of digits of pi I chunked them into things that appeared to have patterns, to make them a lot easier to remember