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when I was little I had the habit of saying to my dad “I have a question” when I didn’t have one (???)
I think over time this made me come up with questions more

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My vector calculus professor mixed up conventions in spherical coordinates and thus gave us wrong information on unit vectors in the sphere zone and a guy raised his hand and was like “wait, that looks wrong, that unit vector should always be flat, how does that work” and he was like “oh no it’s right trust me you just have to draw it out it’ll make sense when you draw it out I’ll do it after class with you”

And I was like hm no that doesn’t look right and I looked it up during the lecture and he was in fact wrong so I brought it to him during a break. And the random guy was right and the professor was wrong. He lost so much credibility in my mind not when he made the mistake but when he tried to “no, no, just trust me” about it…

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I also haven’t been to office hours
but that’s because usually the lectures are enough where most (relevant and important) questions can be googled afterwards

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Like making mistakes is normal but hearing a correction from a student and dismissing it and being unable to see your work was pretty clearly wrong… it’s normal to mix up theta and phi because there’s two different conventions, but you gotta have the presence of mind to spot your errors when they’re pointed out, man

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I’m so awful at learning from people. It’s sucks. I don’t have the skill

I have to figure out everything myself even if it takes forever

personally I think the best strategy for most classes is paying attention to the lectures without taking notes, and then using [google/wikipedia/filled out notes if the teacher puts them out] to fill in any gaps

because if I’m trying to copy things down then it’s distracting from the actual lession

I don’t think this advice likely solves your problem though

Other people express jealousy at it and not having to worry about lecture quality and shit and I egt it’s different learning styles and such and I have advantages over them in some respects but all the aid for difficulty classes and the expectations to be seen as a likeable student is geared toward people who are capable of this thing

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Maybe I gotta train myself

I also had this same thing where grey offered to help me with the modbot but I just couldn’t accept it I can’t

(tbhbthtbhtbthbthtb I think it’s more likely he noticed it after it was pointed out, and then didn’t want to admit it)

I don’t even really need aid I mostly just need Adderall. When I struggle it’s almost always I’m spending significantly less time on classes than other students and can’t bring myself to even bother doing the homework. But I have bad sleeping and bad eating already so I don’t actually wanr Adderall.


He admitted it when I came to him later with google on my side

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nyaaaaaa at that point he kinda has to though

But I’d feel WAY more upset if he did realise and defended himself about it

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alright, let’s go through all the bio in the set i was subtweeting.
Packet 1
tossup on amniotic fluid. great start!
genetics bonus on eukaryotic shit. not the same writer, so whatever.

Packet 2
tossup on competition (between species). good content!
…bonus on brain surgery, where the easy part expects people to know cerebrospinal fluid from lumbar puncture (and choroid plexus, which this year’s CO thoroughly demonstrated people do not know). something to be said.

Packet 3
tossup on congestive heart failure… which i distinctly remember playing poorly because no one knows the difference between heart failure and heart disease and every other heart condition there is.
bonus on plant bio. i hate plant bio but at this point it almost feels like a welcome reprieve from the med school hell we find ourselves in.

Packet 4
biochem tossup (on protons) in chem distribution dishonorable mention. but whatever that has to happen at some point i guess.
tossup on allele frequencies. normally i would bring up that this is the second genetics question in 4 packets but at this point i feel numb.
bonus on how male doctors suck at taking care of female patients. actually a cool idea, i’d feel better about if it weren’t surrounded by a fucking med school question in literally every packet. will post here though, it’s genuinely a pretty good question.

Packet 5
tossup on the retina. it’s by the same person writing all the med school questions but it feels somewhat less med schooly (albeit only somewhat). i’ll take what i can get.
bonus on some lab biology shit. normally i wouldn’t care but i bet lab biology people were happy to finally hear a question about how biology is done in the lab in the fifth packet… or distraught to hear the bonus go to the other team.

Packet 6
tossup on cyclic AMP. it’s a messenger molecule that comes up a lot in quizbowl whatever oh my god stop it with the human bio. we get it you go to med school dude.
bonus on nosebleeds. oh my god med school has made it into both bio questions this packet. surely it won’t get any worse.

Packet 7
tossup forest fires. FINALLY. i don’t even like bio but at this point i genuinely feel bad for the people who do but aren’t med students. about time they start eating good.
…bonus on diagnosing liver damage. it was never going to last, huh.
negative bonus points for a completely unrelated social science bonus on duty of care that’s all about doctors. hate to see you get caught in the crossfire but we’re in hell here

Packet 8
biology tossup on lysosomes. not med school core, it’s by a different guy, but it’s still human bio. shit’s getting ridiculous.
…and the chemistry tossup is also cell/human bio, about zinc. i distinctly remember a team complaining about how both the bio and chem tossups in this round were biochem because they were playing a biochem major. much to think about.
bonus on locomotion (or lack thereof) in animals, including sea animals. a packet completely free of med school guy and i still have things to complain about

Packet 9
tossup on antibodies. genetics core tossup, not by the med school guy. whatever, the excessive genetics can get a pass at this point, there are other problems to worry about.
bonus on protein structural motifs. med school guy hasn’t been seen for two packets now. i almost miss him. almost. there have been very few good bio questions.

Packet 10
tossup on human feces. med school guy is back! and somehow in the best way.
bonus on… more genetics/cell bio shit. by a different guy than the one usually writing the genetics and cell bio shit. g-protein coupled receptors is the intended easy part. somehow med school guy wrote the better bio question in this packet.

Packet 11
biology tossup on lichens! shame it’s after the vast majority of teams will have stopped playing the set, with basically only a finals usually happening at this point. oh well!
…bonus on the lungs and how to treat them. yaaaaay

Packet 12
tossup on ubiquitin. at this point i’m numb to protein bowl that isn’t from a med school standpoint. at this point i have to assume there wasn’t a well-defined bio subdistro and people didn’t realize this until it was far too late.
…anyway! the real bio bonus is on rotifers. hell yeah.

Packet 13
tossup on auxins. yay plant bio… i feel like the bio in this set was written to piss me off, and i don’t even like bio.
bonus on vaccines. by the genetics/cell bio guy, not by the med school guy, but at this point they’re probably just in cahoots to ruin the day of everyone who enjoys biology but isn’t in med school.

Packet 14
tossup on mutation rate. some genetics for the road
bonus on identifying birds in the wild, to remind you that biology can in fact be cool sometimes and this set’s bio actively chose not to be.

ohoho we weren’t done. tiebreaker packet has a tossup on heart valves. just in case the first four tiebreakers get used you get a med school jumpscare.

nyaaaaaaaa I get SO distracted all the time
but I feel like I HAVE to do all the assignments and homework and get a 4.0 etc etc etc so I always do it (sometimes (often) with bad sleep as a result though)

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I think a big part of it for me is also that I literally don’t have the like. Untired capacity. I’m often way too tired to get any work done

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I’ve been better this year but I’m slipping I haven’t finished my homework due Friday yet

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nyaaaaaaaaaaaa sometimes I run into this
when I’m tired I get distracted more (and I already get distracted enough…) but it takes significantly less energy to do a number of unproductive tasks so that ends up wasting a lot of time

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