About the Rules & Moderation category

I feel sorry for all the people whose fathers did not have liver cancer because I can get out of whatever the fuck I want

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for me its the other way around cause of the liver cancer thing but i respect your line of thought

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I forgot to take ym medication this morning and so I feel like I’m going to die and to calm myself down I’ve just been row reducing matrices in my notebook

During this elcture

Meowwwww I’ve slept 5 hours and thirty minutes

I slept like 10 hours

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Littennnnn is there any way you can start sleeping more hours a night or

Not really

Technically the night before yeah

That was me just wanting to watch bettle juice

Try to nap at least

EXPERIENCE organic chemistry :flushed:

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they’re synthesizing alcohols in the lab

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is there not a way to make [left]Text[/left][center]hmmm[/center][right]a[/right] show them all on the same line

Don’t think so. You’d need columns or something probably. Cause what if they were super long and would overlap? You’d have to decide how they linebreak

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Most forum BBCode doesn’t let you do it w/out columns AFAIK

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literally Blue's Clues (I am never reading most of these)

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ok I think an email-slip would be a pretty funny integrity breach

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