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FoL isn’t allowed email me

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Was buying a skin on Flight Rising and saw somebody whose username is AbstractAlgebra

okay i don’t think even we are nerdy enough to just name ourselves after a field of math with no punchline

Spent forever earlier today writing up an equation sheet in tiny print for an upcoming exam ans then in class today the professor goes “oh btw you can’t put (thing I put) on your sheet” :/

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Maybe I’ll cut it out with scissors

why the fuck is the professor restricting something from the equation sheet

doesn’t that defeat the point

Ohhh you can’t put the bourne square because nyaaaa whatever

You know I could just put it in cipher and disguise it

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do you. do you mean the born square

you know born was the guy’s name right. briticizing it makes it nonsensical it took me the better part of a minute to figure out what you were talking about

I didn’t briticise it that’s literally what the professor wrote

His fuckin problem


…did he mean the born square?

i didn’t get anything nongeographic when i looked up bourne square

He means the born square yes

I think Bourne scans as a name and Born doesn’t

your professor hates germans

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Did a teacher write this