About the Rules & Moderation category

tbf that is the pnemonic i saw when i looked up the born square

Pnemonic… Pneumonia mnemonic

you’d think they’d make it a less difficult word to spell

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I had to look it up

Tried to refer to something as “polarised” in a lab report as in like. Mafia player polarised basically. But that’s probably a bad idea because that means something else.

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trying to use the ONE mafia player phrase that has an immediately more obvious chemistry understanding


I mean it’s not like I don’t use other mafia player phrases they’re just less problematic

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how do you expect other people to understand them


Context clues

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I’m spenidng too much time doing :blunder: activities

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have you considered spending more time winning

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Good idea

Zug called wasting time “doing :blunder: activities” earlier and now when I’m doing blunder activities I can’t stop thinking about doing blunder activities

Hours spent per day on blunder activities

Today I didn’t super do blunder activities I was mostly just talking to people. Benguinedparbecue you have a very social clone at May University

i don’t wanna know how many hours i spend per day on blunder activities

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Gonna start the blunder activities timer


Printer error presumably

I knew him before I knew you so maybe you’re the clone

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