About the Rules & Moderation category

something something i’ve taken my personality from the quizbowl community so it’s possible he’s also taken his personality from similarly nerdy spaces

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Entirely possible

Civil engineer shows up while we were eating dinner and they talk about bridges for fucking ages. Civil engineer’s like oh what’s your major and he says Biochemistry

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Very funny stuff.

i don’t have bridges autism but i do have roads autism. very different

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i am a big fan (in the curiosity way, not in the actively rooting for it way) of bridge collapses though

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big galloping gertie fan

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There was in fact bridge collapse discussion

Great stuff

i actually strongly dislike bridges on geoguessr because for some reason if a road is on a bridge over another road it just downwarps you to the surface road sometimes. and the surface road is usually significantly less important, and you can’t get back up. run killer


i am a big fan (in the wind powered way, not the entertainment way)

google maps should devote their streetview engineering team to making sure this doesn’t happen unless i deliberately want it to happen

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Acalc for us is:

optimization of multivariable functions, the calculus of variations (constraints, Euler–Lagrange equations, principle of least action), multivariable integral theorems (Green’s, divergence, Stokes’, Reynolds transport), and Cartesian tensors

It is widely considered the easiest high-level math course


Almost 10%!

Acalc (real analysis) is a grad requirement for math majors here. you’d think this would make it easy (as was my experience with algebraic structures) but my professor has taken it upon themselves to have some form of HW due literally every class period

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I’m fact checking this and I’m not sure it’s actually true that it’s widely considered easiest but among The Mathematical Weirdos I Talk To it’s considered easy

saying this reminded me that i have acalc hw due monday, which i didn’t mentally register along with the other stuff i have due monday. because acalc is just a constant

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Benguined what cat are you

i don’t consider myself a cat to be completely honest