About the Rules & Moderation category

I’m very mature meow meow meow

The MOST mature kitten ever

Flushed is in my Discord top 3 quick reacts

It’s :star: :thumbsup: :flushed:

What saving account shoudl I keep my money in I have like four k right now and I’ll like to keep 2k + all ky fufure pay checks in this account

Cuz my bills are liek 1k a month

PayPal has a good apy but I heard they can just…freeze your account

You don’t wanna ask me about money

Meow meow meow

My bank called me and then my mother to ask if the Fifteen Dollar charge to my account was for real. From Mahjong Soul

Was it?


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I nede to trnaslate things into a language I don’t speak

for school?

For puzzle

have you tried hurting the puzzle until it gives you the result

I want the puzzle to hurt me though…

Why else would you do a puzzle. It’s gotta be painful

either to enforce your brilliance upon it or for it to enforce it on you

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