About the Rules & Moderation category


you also got two fries

Funnel cake fries!

three fries then

litten how do you plan on eating all this

1 small 1 xl 1 funnel

My stomach doesnā€™t care about me feeling sick once I see the food

Nor does my brain

your stomachā€™s feelings are your brain

This is what the slushie looks like

thats gross

I know


Sometimes I like to see the world burn

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Havenā€™t placed the order yet ym


10 wings for ten dollar is a very good price

unfortunately Iā€¦kinda dislike all the choices here, none of them seem interesting, I donā€™t hate the flavor I just wish there was some more interesting flavors

you know you can say no sauce right

If Iā€™m getting a hotdog I should just get a sandwich too