About the Rules & Moderation category

The lowest exam is dropped but that means I have to do well on the hardest material instead of getting the first exam. Ughughughughuguhugh

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If you miss a second exam you have to do a “russian-style oral exam” where you’re given a problem and have to present the material

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Tbhtbthbthbtthbh I might ask if I can do the oral exam because I’m really worried that without taking the exam I’m not going to remember the material

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It’s phrased as if it’s a torture punishment but I believe inmyself I really do

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And anything is better htan a 0

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nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa nya nya nya
it might be a professor thing

the courses I had were:

discrete - actually I think we didn’t have notes in this class. everything was really easy though
calc 1 - professor 1, who only gave take home tests
calc 2 - this doesn’t count (I essentially sitting in so I didn’t have to do things)
calc 3 - professor 2, who allows note sheets
linear algebra - professor 1
modern algebra - professor 2
probability - other professor (IIRC we only got the formula sheets for the distributions and stuff)

No note sheets for organic! Death forever

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we… might’ve gotten note sheets for stat, but i’ve forgotten most of that particular class. it was boring. i remember the material when i need to

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they also didn’t teach chi-squared, which is like. malpractice

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I have a different professor for real analysis though
considering the 33 pages of homework I’ve had to do, I have my doubts on whether we’re getting notes :joy_cat:

I didn’t get note sheets when I took statistics at random state college in high school

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memorize 1000 RXNs??

(I have NO idea what this means)

also yeah i took calcs 1 and 2 in high school and am pretty sure we got zero note sheets. then
calc 3 - no notes sheets
foundations - not sure how you would even use notes sheets tbh. no.
linalg - no notes sheets
ODEs - i think we begged the professor for a formula sheet on one of the tests. and that’s about all we got. you’ve heard me talk about this class enough.
Discrete - no notes sheets. also easy.
Structures I - no notes sheets.
Number Theory - no notes sheets, and i distinctly remember having a meltdown during the final because one of the problems ended up being actually hard. still owned that class though.
Structures II - no notes sheets.
PDEs - we got a formula sheet for fourier transforms. also for the entire final we got it like a week in advance and i still bombed it because i suck at differential equations.
Advanced Calc I - no notes sheets.
Advanced Linalg - no notes sheets.

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i don’t think i’ve ever gotten to handwrite a notes sheet/flash card for a math test

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actually wait i think we got a flash card for linalg? my memory of the specifics of classes i took 2+ years ago is extremely fuzzy

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foundations of what

what’s structures

class where they teach you how to write proofs and also go over basic set theory stuff. prereq for basically every higher level math class

abstract algebra

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We hve a Foundations of Analysis class which is required for all math majors which is just intro to LaTeX essentially

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And proof writing but mostly intro to latex

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