About the Rules & Moderation category

NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA he has QUESTIONABLE opinions (he would definitely be banned on fol)

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When I was younger one of yhe highest tier people was also extremely mean to me all the time and I hated them but they were DEFINITVELY high-tier. Like now that I’ve established this concept I can use this as an explantory aid to what my relationship to them was: I may not have liked them but they were prioritised in all social interactions and I would go out of my way to talk to them as much as I could

ok that doesn’t exactly describe it fully

but yeah it’s mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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The tier system is inexplicable, nobody knows what gets you into higher tiers, you can be very mean to me all the time and be high-tier, it’s just a description of how my brain makes social decisions


good message though

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(I do not (usually) read wikipedia in class nya nya nya)

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I do nya nya nya

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once a guy noticed that i was reading a trash packet (quizbowl) during class, and pointed that out, while using the words “trash packet.” i was unfortunately too awkward to continue the conversation further and recruit them to quizbowl


nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what’s a trash packet

Packet which is trash

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pop culture questions. it’s one of those things where it started out as a pejorative but the target audience of trash packets adopted it


i for one have opinions on the quality of the traditional yearly trash set, acronym, particularly in regards to its inability to have a consistent difficulty, but i digreess


do you read math wikipedia for fun :flushed:

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(or for self torture (which is fun))

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what i love about acronym is that bonuses like this are funny. what i hate about acronym is that bonuses like this are significantly harder than most bonuses in this set, as it expects you to have a near encyclopedic knowledge of don’t worry darling

Occasionally but not often nya

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nyaaaaaaaaaaa it’s fun nya nya nya
I think I have gotten a fair amount of math knowledge from doing it too much

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contrast it with this bonus, which, while also funny, one can trivially 30 by having been alive for the last 10 years

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and then there are bonuses like this which remind you that, despite their claims that the target audience is high schoolers, the real target audience is in fact much older, because everyone even approximately my age gets a free 30

and it’s not even funny! what am i here for!