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My handwriting is Mediocre here pleas ignore I was tired

Acalc is a joke

may i can’t make legible letters i dont think many people care

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(I also did one problem straight-up wrong but it was because I misread it as a different problem than it actually was)

I’m very very very particular about my handwriting

It’s very important to me that my handwriting is good. I can’t write for very long so I gotta write nice

why has the no dalad for stranger fandom taken off in recent days

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much to think about

No dalad for stranger!!

What else are you going to say when you see a garden salad dropped on the ground abandoned on your way to class

what are your thoughts on whether 1977 billy joel albums should have dalad

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No dalad for stranger!!

To be fair this was a statement of fact (stranger has no salad now that it is on the ground) rather than opinion

what are your opinions on dalad for each face your fears townsfolk

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Dalad for most of them… except…

opinions on dalad for other fyf characters? note that many of them are capable of having any townsfolk ability…

Well it depends. Then

may storytelling and giving the jurgen leitner the stranger ability to prevent them from having dalad

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i feel like the picnic tanle is an underrated part of this story

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What about my abanormed evil world