About the Rules & Moderation category

Like this post if you are gay

iā€™d think they have better things to do then silently watch us

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They have to make sure we donā€™t enact our plan on august 20th to speedrun breaking every rule at exactly 10:00 PM est

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theyā€™re fol mods what do you think

if may can see this heā€™s definitely breaking out the popcorn

iā€™m of the opinion that it gets buried under all of the other things if its hidden
meaning it doesnt constantly prop to the top when mentioned

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I mean, I canā€™t imagine may not liking the post about being gay. It would be so unlike may to not immedaitely blow their cover like that

I could ask may some questions to see if they know anything

what questions should I ask may

about the secret group of friends you talk to beside the group chat you have

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ā€œDo you get jealous of other people talking to exactly 2 other people perdiocially at nightā€


thatā€™ll probably weed out if he knows real quick

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benguined, suggestions?

and iā€™m sure he wont just lie to mess with you

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may is going to end up trying too hard if they know anything which will rat them out

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does anybody know what an ā€œindirectā€ means
in the terms of internet lingo

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thats about all i know on the topic
iā€™m trying to understand a ā€œmemeā€

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probably depends on the context

it goes, in a tweeting format

a: like for an indirect
(1 self-like)
a: i am deeply in love with you

b: can you at least wait for more likes

i think it means indirect in terms of an indirect response?