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When I was a kid I didnā€™t get sunburnt but now I do cause Iā€™m perpetually so pale

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I think I burned some of my skin off

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Sometimes I put my arm next to one of my siblingsā€™ for a laugh. Itā€™s funny every time. Completely different

Itā€™s fine itā€™s just a little circle itā€™s not black itā€™s kinda like light red


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hot plates

I also have like olive skin from my mom which makes me look paler because of the undertone

How long ago

1 min

Actually it might be the circle where my finger was cut off nvm


Or at least, like, more sickly. Always looked substantially different to my classmates. I was insecure about it as a kid. I never noticed it in isolation but when I put my hand next to theirs their skin looked pink and mine looked yellow

If you can feel a burn then run it under cool water for a bit

If itā€™s just the cut then nevermind

I donā€™t feel a burn I just thought it might be

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Itā€™s probably the cut which mostly healed I forgot where I cut it so itā€™s probably the circle

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Child brain can be insecure about anything. I spent the majority of my life thinking I wasnā€™t at all thin because in fourth grade once when I was sitting down and reading I noticed this other girlā€™s legs were like impossibly thin and I always mentally used that as my benchmark

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If you donā€™t feel a burn it probably wasnā€™t one, even burns that donā€™t leave marks will hurt so like

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Unlikely you get a Big Red Circle Mark from a plate and feel nothing at all