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of course i’m no replacement
you can just ignore me and let your body rot away. i won’t mind too much

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i’m sure the people who love you might get a bit upset though

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I did do some exercises today, at least. The problem is that I can’t just do them all at once if I haven’t been keeping up cause it makes things worse instead of better. Very sad no cure

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I should exercise too


Eating a lot of protein (whenever I eat) doesn’t help if I don’t exerciseb(m


i shouldnt
im exempt from all physical ailments

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i’m never going to die

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i took strength and conditioning for my last semester of hs because i needed a pe credit and none of the other classes fit with my schedule. that’s enough exercise for a lifetime


Death pain and agony for real

i was the weakest person in the class and it wasn’t even close. my bench mate, probably the second weakest, was still routinely lifting like 30 more pounds than me, minimum. usually closer to 50


I would die

I’m gonna be a real person soon I’m gonna go back to college and I’ll be a real person there


You mean a real cat

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I would kill someone

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I can order cat ears once I’mthere so yes

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i survived somehow. but i definitely fucked up my shoulder on one of the days and just never got it checked

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Don’t think I’ve forgotten

i don’t think shoulders are supposed to make that kind of snapping noise anyway

Probably fine that’s perfectly normal ( ← Ehlers-Danlos syndrome haver to the left)

thank you for those necessary edits

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