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i’m laughing at you

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Choosing to believe this is an inspirational message to get me to sleep. I will goodnight soon


I’m not going to goodnight soon


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i think the stream hard crashed cause it was lagging so hard

I’ve had entirely too many sweets today but blood so I deserve it

yeah i’m pretty sure that’s what happened

my computer and connection hate me

i beat it though!

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What things would you put in your mouth benguined

still a little mad that i lost that run because i had bad timing on an attack

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food usually


Benguinedparbecue boring nerd confirmed. What about iphone

This would be because I had zero experience in anything before making Maybot and just decided to do it despite not Really even knowing python

I like to clarify this. I made a reverse and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I am both a kitty, kitten, and cat, depending upon whichever is funniest at the moment. Why does tbjs feel familiar

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(I know why it’s familiar)

Discord Litten

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the boss isn’t quite as hard as i thought it was. still think it’s harder than zenith but i definitely got bailed out by the attacks doing less damage the lower your hp is (which i think is just a general game mechanic)

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