About the Rules & Moderation category


I’m lying down in bed I just have to decide to sleep now

Somebody ate an entire bar of chcoolate so there’s none left

i just figured something out

then immediately forgot how to do it because of course i did

you can create a reply that makes a new thread in rules and mod

figured it out again

press the time since a message was sent and then click “new thread”

dunno if it actually works
im so bored and wonky i might try


…it didn’t work
i got too curious and wanted to check

You fucks win I’m downloading Udnertale Yellow

…nobody told you to

oh no… may’s going to get juandice


So many times

magnus aint here

Meow meow meow meow meow

Magnus is everywhere

Haven’t you seen the title

you need to calm down, sir
nobody is coming to harm you. nobody is watching you.

Fuckin Odysseus

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