About the Rules & Moderation category

Hmmm good uqestion


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remember when people tried to make a splinter cookie thread and it got shut down nigh immediately. this is the new splinter cookie thread

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They LOCKED it


Just tried to think of my age and got “16”. Help

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youre 18 i believe

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i think may’s 19 now? headed into their second year of undergrad


19 yeah

When I was 16 I often thought of myself as 18

They swapped the Mays by accident

i keep forgetting i’m 21 because i haven’t had a drink yet. because i don’t have friends


Damn not even water

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Forum user benguinedparbecue is dying of thirst in the desert

I’m not bourgeois like Magnus so I won’t hide my post edits even though I’m a mod and can do it

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you joke but the fridge water was shut off for the last day i was in my house. because it was leaking

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i had to drink sink water

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Poor litten kitty, suffering forever drinking Sink Water

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Little. Whatever

well now i’m in my dorm. and drinking water fountain without a designated bottle filler water

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