About the Rules & Moderation category

you can also just go true pacifist. because like. it’s not essential that the neutral run is first

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i liked the gunplay mechanics

although the neutral ending is probably the closest that uty gets to being undertale levels of good

spoilers for uty neutral (dont read may)

what did i say!!

anyway the neutral final boss felt a lot easier than photoshop flowey

You’re not allowed to make fun of me because I’m bad at hte game

That would be animal famr

dont worry it crashes too much for me to be able to

do you know what the definition of insanity is?

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Hey question
Why couldn’t someone with a 5 percent cash back bonus keep charging a restaurant, restaurant refunding them the money, the guy gives them half and half

Sales tax! Oh shit

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the obvious response is to have a cash back bonus of 99%

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bakes a cake :D

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may’s grinding out mew mew love blaster

Wait they would still get cash back on said sales tax

and apparently mew mew reminds her of melting love

but the sales tax is 6%
they would give 5% back

I’m sorry what