About the Rules & Moderation category

Me and atlas are here to rehabilitate you

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I don’t wanna think about times that aren’t now

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Tell us what your problems are and we will fix them

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i think this ones a lost cause


i should probably sleep in like half an hour or so. but i don’t wanna


I have no problems whatsoever (I don’t think about them)


that sounds like a future problem, ergo irrelevant


Problems are things that are happening right now. My problems are my shoulder is kinda itchy and I need to throw out this yogurt container. Anything that is not actively causing me issue right this instant is not a problem


i’m listening to a guy scream in a language i dont understand

it’s great

why do the undertale monsters speak perfect conversational english

no tower of babel

if they were locked up like. hundreds of years ago, minimum, then at the very least their english should reflect that time period or have evolved in its own different way

or clover is bilingual

They do have some human TV shows and such which probably mitigates linguistic drift

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1012 poster gets a cookie

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i love doing math that derives things from first principles because it’s nice to see why exactly these things you don’t look behind the scenes at often are true

i hate doing math that derives things from first principles because i say “well this obviously follows” and then remember that we haven’t even established that 1 is greater than 0 until we get the positivity axioms


literally yesterday in class the prof was like “with just these two sets of axioms we managed to derive that 1 is greater than 0. isn’t that cool” and it’s like. i know we’re deriving things from first principles here but i derived that in preschool

i have no idea what youre talking about

0 was explicitly defined as not positive btw