About the Rules & Moderation category

sue them

just like every other time iā€™ve seen positive numbers be defined ever

I had a prof who considered positive to include 0, and ā€œstrictly positiveā€ to not include 0


theyā€™re wrong

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or it could be a CS thing idk

things are really heating up in the minesweeper fandom

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i still think about the person who follows may and seems to have the consistent opinion that 0 is strictly negative


zero is a very selfish

what goes through their head. there was also exactly one answer to 0 and -0 being the same thing and +0 being ontologically different and iā€™m like. 90% sure it was them

in abstract algebra thereā€™s a concept called an ideal. which is a subring (smaller ring contained within the ring) where if you multiply anything in the ideal by anything in the ring in general you get back something in the ideal. it absorbs everything else under multiplication.

anyway iā€™m saying this because i always thought ā€œidealā€ was a mildly terrifying name for it. gives off the vibes of some sort of supremacist, or someone trying to create an ā€œidealā€ world by removing/absorbing everything they donā€™t like. everything has to be like us. that kinda deal.

and this video reminded me of that

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one saging the day (if I recall correctly)

what do you get if you multiply 1 by 0

there is no happy ending. the trivial ideal containing exclusively 0 (or whatever the additive identity of your ring is) is the most horrifying ideal of all. the black hole of multilpication

nothing because one doesnā€™t fuck around with zero

A negative number times a positive number is a negative number. A negative number times a negative number is a positive number. Unless you count zero as either solely positive or solely negative. Then youā€™re fucked

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Zero is whatever I want it to be at the current time


I tend to like my zeros well done


silviuā€™s yelling at me because i was asleep when they think i shouldnt be

on an unrelated note i am still tired

silviu hates naps